This is the essence of Christian education.

Welcome to TLJM, Teaching Like Jesus Ministries! We equip leaders in the local church with interactive seminars and teacher-training workshops. We consult with pastors, parents, and CE directors to evaluate and enhance spiritual formation ministries for all learners—children, teens, and adults—so that everyone is Teaching Like Jesus! With years of experience teaching seminary courses and developing educational ministries in the local church, TLJM might be the answer you've been praying for because "A church without children is a dying church!"
La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.
TLJM (Teaching Like Jesus Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 corporation).
Email: drtolbert@teachinglikejesus.org
La Verne Tolbert, Ph.D.
TLJM (Teaching Like Jesus Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit 501c3 corporation).
Email: drtolbert@teachinglikejesus.org